I am running gitlab-ce-12.10.6 self-managed on a CentOS 7.8 server. I have finally started uploading projects, creating Wikis, and etcetera.
I would like to be able to set the color of text in my Wiki pages written in markdown(md). I have read that Github seems to offer this, but I cannot find a working example where I can either provide a “chit” of a given color and only that chit without the RGB syntax also displaying or any other means that works for portraying text in red, purple, blue or whatever. I have tried many different formats and they have all displayed the code along with the chit, but not color text or just a chit before the text (sort of like a bullet-marker).
Thanks for these additional details! Maybe we’ve found a bug here, which we can then report. Alternatively, this could be a feature request for gitlab_kramdown. Not all extensions are support everywhere, yet. I’ll seek to clarify this.
Is there anyone who can provide more advice on this? Perhaps they can test some syntax on their end and then prove that it produces text in a given color inside the README.md file?
@di.ma - This is a nice workaround! (Brilliant, actually).
I realize this is already documented right here in the GitLab forum, but I think this could get better visibility to the general IT population at large by putting (duplicating) it into a StackOverflow Question & Answer Your Own Question.