I found in our stand alone CE installation of GitLab the commit form user WeslyG, but there is no such user, and if I try to click on user login it will open Email form… How is it possible?
I can configure any email in the git client configuration:
git config --global user.email lalala@skbkontur.ru
and make a commit.
And no one will ever understand who actually made this commit?
In addition, I can specify locally the Email of another GitLab user and make a commit. In this case, the interface will show that this other user made the commit. Is this a bug?
you can use custom-hooks to prevent such commits.
mini example
# --- Init
login=$(git show -s --format="%ae" $newrev)
-- check that login begin as "abc.def..."
if [[ $(echo "$login" | grep -Eio "^\w+\.\w+") == '' ]]; then
echo "Wrong login: $login"
exit 1;