Connectring Kubernetes cluster with the gitlab-agent. DNS name not resolving

Hello everyone

So I’m new to GitLab and i want to integrate it into my local Kubernetes environment.
I host my Gitlab locally as well and have setup a wildcard ssl certificate on it from my pfsense router so i can access the instance over ssl.

The Kubernetes cluster im using for testing is Microk8s and i have deployed the agent using helm3 the issue I’m having is the that the URL the gitlab-agent is reaching out to is not public its only on my routers DNS resolver so i need to specify what servers to use. Leading to my question. How do i do that. I know the issue is dns because it always is. But seriously the error i get in the logs are as follows on no such host

If any one has an idea let me know any assistance would be much appreciated
Thanks :slight_smile: