Container registry access token not working for free tier

I need to access a container Gitlab registry with an account that has 2FA enabled.
I see that I need to add a personal access token for that but that is not working anymore from what I understand because of External authorization:

External authorization will be enabled by default in GitLab 16.0. External authorization prevents personal access tokens and deploy tokens from accessing container and package registries and affects all users who use these tokens to access the registries. You can disable external authorization if you want to use personal access tokens and deploy tokens with the container or package registries.

Apparently, this can be changed in the admin menu which is not present for me (I guess it’s not available on the free tier).

The other option (as I cannot use a personal access token or a deploy_token) are project token and group token but also those are disabled and I do not have the option to enable them in the project settings.

I am owner of the group/project so I wanted to see if I am missing anything or it’s just nor possible for a free tier user to have 2FA enabled and access the Gitlab registry of a project.