Hi Guys,
I have created a CICD job which actually invokes a powershell file and executes few steps. I have installed a dedicated ruuner on my build machine whose OS is Windows 7. But everytime the job fails with the below error
error: could not lock config file D:\DEVHOME\GitlabRunner\builds\nkXs34Er\0\service\esb\iib\cicdpoc.tmp\git-template/config: No such file or directory
The system cannot find the path specified.
After googling for hours, I tried changing the environment variable HOME to another location, deleted home and reinstalled GitLab runner on C and D drives. I even actually placed a config file on the particular directory that Git was throwing error but none of them saved me till now.
Did anyone faced this issue. If so, please respond.
Am I missing anything. any clues plz?