I recently had an issue with my postgres server and had to restore the Gitlab database from a backup, but now if I check the database migrations that have not yet been run (gitlab-rake db:migrate:status), I have the following:
root@f40ca9ca48de:/# gitlab-rake db:migrate:status | grep " down "
down 20201112215132 Swap partitioned audit events
down 20210301200601 Rename asset proxy allowlist on application settings
down 20210301200959 Clean up asset proxy allowlist rename on application settings
but if I actually try to run the migrations, 20201112215132 fails due to this error:
PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column “[“id”, “created_at”]” of relation “audit_events” does not exist
I’m fairly certain this is due to the migration having already been run. I’m not too sure why it is being shown as “down”.
The audit_events table definetly has both the id and created_at columns:
gitlabhq_production=# SELECT id,created_at FROM audit_events LIMIT 1;
id | created_at
1 | 2018-05-30 13:10:00.330201
(1 row)
Is there a way to resolve this? I have put the full log of the migration here: https://pastebin.com/qQT0FkUb