Db migrate fails with closed_at_for_type_change does not exist


I;m trying to upgrade from 10.3.3 ce to 10.5.2 using the Omnibus upgrade with no downtime instructions. Everytime I go from a 10.3 to a 10.4 (I’ve tried a few combos 6/7 → 0/1) I get

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column “closed_at_for_type_change” does not exist
: ALTER TABLE “issues” RENAME COLUMN “closed_at_for_type_change” TO “closed_at”

in the gitlab-rake db:migrate command. How can I fix this, and should I be worried? (what is a post deployment migrate? Surely all migrations are part of deployment?)

I’ve tried searching and there are some similar references (from EE) but no solutions.

many thanks for any help