Debug an error in Backup Restoration

I am trying to restore a backup in gitlab docker. The command I am running is this.

gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=/var/opt/gitlab/backups/1700083068_2023_11_15_16.4.0-ee --trace

I am getting the following error message.

Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/opt/gitlab/backups/backup_information.yml

I can see the backup_information.yml in that directory.

root@gitlab:/var/opt/gitlab/backups/1700083068_2023_11_15_16.4.0-ee_gitlab_backup# cat backup_information.yml

:db_version: ‘20230918194153’
:backup_created_at: !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
utc: 2023-11-15 21:17:48.472274473 Z
zone: !ruby/object:ActiveSupport::TimeZone
name: Etc/UTC
time: 2023-11-15 21:17:48.472274473 Z
:gitlab_version: 16.4.0-ee
:tar_version: tar (GNU tar) 1.29
:installation_type: omnibus-gitlab
:skipped: artifacts
:repositories_server_side: false

I am running gitlab-ee:16.4.0-ee.0 version using the official container pulled from docker hub.

Any next steps for troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated!

Gitlab isn’t meant to run in docker.
You should be running this on bare metal only.

please share the full contents of your directory so we can see that the backup_information.yml is present.
Also, it is a mistake to not use the full ‘yaml’ file extension for configuration files.

Otherwise just make sure your images and tar files are up to date and you may have more success.

Actually, Gitlab can be ran in docker, because official containers exist for it. It’s explained in the official Gitlab documentation too: Install GitLab by using Docker | GitLab

Whether you should or not though is a personal preference. I would find it much harder to manage and maintain a Gitlab docker installation due to fact it complicates debugging and fixing things when it goes wrong. Whereas an omnibus installation - standard deb/rpm install on a server would be the best way and less problematic when it comes to fixing things since that container layer doesn’t exist as it’s a normal server install :slight_smile:

I’m curious if the OP has a problem restoring due to permissions/ownership of the backup files? This is explained in the Gitlab Restore documentation to ensure correct permissions before attempting a restore. That said, I don’t use docker on whether something else is amiss here. They may wish to check/review this information: Restore GitLab | GitLab

I was able to get the docker image running with the restore. I am still trying to debug the restoration as now all the projects I have return a 500: Something went wrong error why I try to launch. I did move to the omnibus install to see if it was permission related but I am still seeing this issue after going through the same process.