I have a backup from a CentOS8 gitlab server that I am migrating to a Docker instance. The version of gitlab I was running on the server was 13.5.4. I am pulling the same version on the docker container. I placed the “dump_gitlab_backup.tar” file in the “data/backups” folder on the host machine which is the volume for “/var/opt/gitlab” in the container. I have ran the following command from the host and from within the container and I keep getting the following error message. “gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore --trace”
I have checked that the file it is complaining about exists and the permissions are correct.
root@gitlab:/# gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore --trace
** Invoke gitlab:backup:restore (first_time)
** Invoke gitlab_environment (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log/production.log exists and is writable (ie, make it writable for user and group: chmod 0664 /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log/production.log). The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.
rake aborted!
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/log/application.log