Delete a shared project link within a group not working

I am trying to use the Gitlab API to remove a group from the ‘shared_with_group’ field of a project

Following the API help for Delete a shared project link within a group
“DELETE /projects/:id/share/:group_id”

When providing a valid project id, the group_id I want to remove and calling DELETE the api always returns “Not Found” and the share is not removed.

I am using:

  • Gitlab 8.14.3-ee 8282833
  • PRIVATE-TOKEN for authentication
  • User is an admin

I believe I have determined that

  • the ids i’m using are good because I can use the API to add the group id and the correct group is added
  • the Token is good because all my other calls work
  • permissions are good because I can use the API for deleting the entire project and it works

Any advice on what else I may be doing wrong? I think this is a relatively new API

According to this

this api is not available yet, even though it is in the docs .