Hi there, my employer uses 14.0.12 and IIUC, we need to use the corresponding version 5.0.12:
❯ helm search repo -l gitlab/gitlab | grep 14.0.12
gitlab/gitlab 5.0.12 14.0.12 Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
Now I’m super confused, because if I look at a job log, I see:
Running with gitlab-runner 15.4.0 (43b2dc3d)
Tbh I am not sure what version of the chart we are using.
I assume that I’m running the wrong version?
Now I am even more confused with CHANGELOG.md · main · GitLab.org / charts / GitLab Runner · GitLab which talks about version 0.46.0
resource "helm_release" "runner" {
name = var.helm_release_name
repository = "https://charts.gitlab.io"
chart = "gitlab-runner"
create_namespace = true
namespace = var.k8s_namespace
version = "5.0.12"
Is there version right as above?? Because when I try apply I hit:
Error: chart "gitlab-runner" version "5.0.12" not found in https://charts.gitlab.io repository
How do I find examples? like what is the Gitlab search equivalent of Github’s Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
I bizarrely get zero hits here: https://gitlab.com/search?search="gitlab-runner"+"helm_release"