When a user goes to https://gitlab.com/hellokitty/privateproject without being logged in, is there a way to have them see either a wiki page or public/index.html (Project Page)? For instance, bitbucket.org allows the landing page to be the wiki for private repositories, so readers can see what the program is about and then contact me or the owner of the repo for more details or access. In gitlab.com, currently they are either asked to log in or get a 404. I can implement a landing page through the Project Pages - hellokitty.gitlab.io/privateproject - but that means that I have to provide two separate URLs - one for the actual repo and another describing the repository to non-members. I think like this ticket is trying to address the problem Toggle or restrict features (including repository) for internal and public projects (#19734) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab FOSS · GitLab but I don’t see how it is implemented as far as I can see from the “Settings” menu.
Thanks gang.