I’m stuck last few days with a TLS problem. I’ve read all related dind TLS problems on this forum but nothing works completely.
My runner is hosted on a Ubuntu 18.04 server and use the Docker’s Official docker-machine (starting VM on a VMware infrastructure).
Here is my actual config.toml file :
check_interval = 0
session_timeout = 1800
name = "AutoScale Runner #1"
limit = 10
url = "https://GITLAB_SERVER/"
token = "TOKEN"
executor = "docker+machine"
environment = ["DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs","DOCKER_DRIVER=overlay2","DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker:2376/"]
tls_verify = false
image = "alpine:stable"
privileged = true
disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
oom_kill_disable = false
disable_cache = false
cache_dir = "/cache"
volumes = ["/certs/client", "/cache"]
shm_size = 0
Type = "s3"
Shared = true
I’ve tried lot of combinations (with ou without DOCKER_HOST, with or without /certs between quotes, …) but nothing works. The only working way is to disable TLS with an empty DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR but this way implies waiting service timeout in each job…
If I want to enable TLS I’ve got always the same error :
$ docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning...
Login Succeeded
$ docker build -t ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} .
time="2019-12-19T10:46:44Z" level=error msg="failed to dial gRPC: cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker daemon' running on this host?: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
error during connect: Post http://docker:2375/v1.40/build?buildargs=%7B%7D&cachefrom=%5B%5D&cgroupparent=&cpuperiod=0&cpuquota=0&cpusetcpus=&cpusetmems=&cpushares=0&dockerfile=Dockerfile&labels=%7B%7D&memory=0&memswap=0&networkmode=default&rm=1&session=rqv94svkg50k5nqk8ae404d7c&shmsize=0&t=GITLABSERVER%3A5555%2FGRP%2FSUBGROUP%2FPROJECT%3Amaster&target=&ulimits=null&version=1: context canceled
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
Why docker never want to connect to port 2376 when using TLS ?
If somebody have any clues…