Disable Kubernetes and Autodevops option

Hi All,

Have recently upgrade gitlab with 12.3.6 and i would like to disable the options such as Kubernetes and Autodevops from GUI. Could anyone please help me to disable those option from backend.

Hi All,

Is there any workaround available to disable Kubernetes and AutoDevops by default.

I don’t know about Kubernetes but for the Auto DevOps, you can disable that by default by logging into GitLab as root then go to the Admin Area. Navigate to Settings then go to CI/CD. The URL should look like this:


Expand the Continuous Integration and Deployment section and uncheck the Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects item.

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Yes but if i disable that option and even project level that option can be manually enable. I just wanted to disable both from GUI.

I don’t think what you’re trying to achieve is possible:


Thanks. But as in the shared document i can see even admin disable the option project owners/Maintainers can enable the auto-devops option. PFB

I would like to disable this option permanently as well as Kubernetes.

Also could you please let me know how to disable Kubernetes for all users in V12.3.6

Future versions will improve the Auto-DevOps detection and automatically disable this. I saw that within the 12.6 kickoff video on the Youtube channel.


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@dnsmichi, Thanks for the info. Is there any way to disable Kuberntes as well by default ?

What exactly do you mean with that? If you don’t connect a k8s cluster within the settings, you cannot make use of it.

The requirement is , Just wanted to Disable the Kubernetes option in all projects. The feature is not going to use in our environment.

Eg: Disable repository mirroring (Once i disable this option in Admin page then the mirroring will be disabled for all users)

If the kubernetes is visible in GUI is not a problem , But once i disabled then when user tried to enable the option should show some errors.


a quick Google search just pointed me there, so I’d say you chime into the issue and kindly ask what’s needed to make this happen.
