Embedding Grafana charts not working

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I’m trying to enable Grafana graphs integration in GitLab and I’m having some issues. I followed GitLab’s docs and I setup the integration (Grafana URL and API token). I then paste the URL into the issue and post it. But the graph doesn’t render.

In the console, I get the following error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 ()

Looking in GitLab’s production log file, I get the error:
“method”: “GET”,
“path”: “/group/project/-/grafana/metrics_dashboard”,
“format”: “json”,
“controller”: “Projects::GrafanaApiController”,
“action”: “metrics_dashboard”,
“status”: 422,
“duration”: 12.13,
“view”: 0.16,
“db”: 1.36,
“time”: “2020-04-07T16:01:35.766Z”,
“params”: [
“key”: “embedded”,
“value”: “true”
“key”: “grafana_url”,
“value”: “https://grafana.example.com/d/IFBmmfuWk/service-overview?orgId=32&refresh=5m&from=1586250158946&to=1586271758947&var-interval=$__auto_interval_interval&var-webnode=All&panelId=24&fullscreen
“key”: “start”,
“value”: “2020-04-07T09:02:38Z”
“key”: “end”,
“value”: “2020-04-07T15:02:38Z”
“key”: “namespace_id”,
“value”: “group”
“key”: “project_id”,
“value”: “project”
“remote_ip”: “x.x.x.x”,
“user_id”: 2,
“username”: “user1”,
“queue_duration”: 3.24,
“response”: “{“message”:“Datasource name not found”,“status”:“error”}”,
“cpu_s”: 0.023109362000468536

Looking at the logs on the Grafana server, I don’t see a request getting there, so I guess it’s canceled inside GitLab. I don’t know what Datasource name not found means and what datasource it wants.

I’m running Grafana on another server, but I double checked and GitLab instance does have access to Grafana. I’m running GitLab 12.8.1.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

I would also be interested in how to troubleshoot this?

My production.log does not show anything suspicious:

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/ogs/ogs/-/grafana/metrics_dashboard",
    "format": "json",
    "controller": "Projects::GrafanaApiController",
    "action": "metrics_dashboard",
    "status": 204,
    "time": "2021-05-27T07:46:26.506Z",
    "params": [
            "key": "embedded",
            "value": "true"
            "key": "grafana_url",
            "value": "https://gitlab.opengeosys.org/-/grafana/d/o3GBwPqMz/overview?from=1622072785000&orgId=1&to=1622101585000&viewPanel=8"
            "key": "namespace_id",
            "value": "ogs"
            "key": "project_id",
            "value": "ogs"
    "remote_ip": "",
    "user_id": 2,
    "username": "bilke",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15",
    "correlation_id": "01F6PCKWFGS6PG3XJWBR5YZG91",
    "meta.user": "bilke",
    "meta.project": "ogs/ogs",
    "meta.root_namespace": "ogs",
    "meta.caller_id": "Projects::GrafanaApiController#metrics_dashboard",
    "meta.remote_ip": "",
    "meta.feature_category": "metrics",
    "meta.client_id": "user/2",
    "redis_calls": 6,
    "redis_duration_s": 0.000977,
    "redis_read_bytes": 293,
    "redis_write_bytes": 3134,
    "redis_cache_calls": 4,
    "redis_cache_duration_s": 0.000619,
    "redis_cache_read_bytes": 4,
    "redis_cache_write_bytes": 1177,
    "redis_queues_calls": 1,
    "redis_queues_duration_s": 0.000143,
    "redis_queues_read_bytes": 58,
    "redis_queues_write_bytes": 1261,
    "redis_shared_state_calls": 1,
    "redis_shared_state_duration_s": 0.000215,
    "redis_shared_state_read_bytes": 231,
    "redis_shared_state_write_bytes": 696,
    "db_count": 5,
    "db_write_count": 0,
    "db_cached_count": 1,
    "cpu_s": 0.043716,
    "mem_objects": 21164,
    "mem_bytes": 1342856,
    "mem_mallocs": 3824,
    "mem_total_bytes": 2189416,
    "queue_duration_s": 0.011265,
    "db_duration_s": 0.00335,
    "view_duration_s": 0.00023,
    "duration_s": 0.05715