Error 500 clone / push / pull after version update


After successfully updating from version 12.10.14 to version 13.0.14 of Gitlab CE, I have checked the status of the service to verify that everything works correctly.
I have launched the following commands to verify that everything is ok, not giving any error message that needs to be solved:

sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab: env: info RAILS_ENV = production
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab: check RAILS_ENV = production

I verify that I correctly access the Gitlab GUI, that I can validate against the LDAP configuration that I have correctly configured from previous versions.

The last test I have done has been to create an empty project, and do clone, push and pull tests from the local machine to gitlab and vice versa. And here I have verified that it is giving me a 500 error.

The error gives me when doing a git clone on a project that I have created new to test:

ext-ehermon @ tfhc6c03 MINGW64 ~ / Downloads / GITLAB-test
$ git clone
Cloning into 'test2' ...
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500

I have checked the file “production.log” and here it shows the following trace:

Started GET "/educacion/cau_ce/repositoriocodigo_pre/test/test2.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack" for at 2021-03-23 ​​09:34:58 +0000
Processing by Repositories :: GitHttpController # info_refs as * / *
  Parameters: {"service" => "git-upload-pack", "namespace_id" => "test", "repository_id" => "test2.git"}
Filter chain halted as: authenticate_user rendered or redirected
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 11ms (Views: 1.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2558)
Started GET "/educacion/cau_ce/repositoriocodigo_pre/test/test2.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack" for at 2021-03-23 ​​09:34:58 +0000
Processing by Repositories :: GitHttpController # info_refs as * / *
  Parameters: {"service" => "git-upload-pack", "namespace_id" => "test", "repository_id" => "test2.git"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 83ms (ActiveRecord: 14.9ms | Elasticsearch: 0.0ms | Allocations: 23570)

NameError (uninitialized constant Gitlab :: Auth :: Ldap :: Authentication
Did you mean? Gitlab :: Auth :: AuthenticationError):

lib / gitlab / auth / o_auth / provider.rb: 21: in `authentication '
lib / gitlab / auth.rb: 86: in `block (2 levels) in find_with_user_password '
lib / gitlab / auth.rb: 85: in `block in find_with_user_password '
lib / gitlab / auth / unique_ips_limiter.rb: 19: in `limit_user! '
lib / gitlab / auth.rb: 74: in `find_with_user_password '
lib / gitlab / auth.rb: 159: in `user_with_password_for_git '
lib / gitlab / auth.rb: 53: in `find_for_git_client '
app / controllers / repositories / git_http_client_controller.rb: 106: in `handle_basic_authentication '
app / controllers / repositories / git_http_client_controller.rb: 39: in `authenticate_user '
lib / gitlab / request_profiler / middleware.rb: 17: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / go.rb: 20: in `call '
lib / gitlab / etag_caching / middleware.rb: 13: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / multipart.rb: 125: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / read_only / controller.rb: 51: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / read_only.rb: 18: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / same_site_cookies.rb: 27: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / basic_health_check.rb: 25: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / request_context.rb: 23: in `call '
config / initializers / fix_local_cache_middleware.rb: 9: in `call '
lib / gitlab / metrics / requests_rack_middleware.rb: 60: in `call '
lib / gitlab / middleware / release_env.rb: 12: in `call '

What is wrongly configured? If I correctly access the GUI with the same user that I do the git clone with, I don’t know where the problem can be.

Any suggestion. My installation is from source not using onmibus.

Thank you very much in advance