Hello Dear,
I’m experiencing a peculiar issue with GitLab.com using the free edition, primarily for storing and pulling Docker images from a Docker registry. I’ve been utilizing this system for the past 11 months without any problems.
However, recently, while attempting to pull images from a specific IP or group of IP addresses, I encounter the following error: Failed to pull image “registry.gitlab.com/xxx”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image “registry.gitlab.com/xxx”: failed to copy: httpReaderSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get “view.cdn.registry.gitlab-static.net/gitlab/docker/registry/v2/blobs/sha256/ac/acfa196d54bcfde33b43203a3db60e4b4864807ed5c4125278c63ea020d5a4ae/data?Expires=1699336880&KeyName=gprd-registry-cdn&Signature=XHYMa8uEifyM3UNtyiRGp-YX_yw=”:
read tcp> read: connection reset by peer.
This issue has rendered the pull operation non-functional.
Interestingly, pulling and pushing images from a different IP works perfectly fine.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what might be causing this and how to resolve it?