ERROR: Registering runner… failed runner=1Z6zKAWx status=599 Intrernal server error PANIC: Failed to register this runner. Perhaps you are having network problems
Running Pipeline through Gitlab-runner register
*Gitlab-Runner register on Tags gaves 500 error every credentials is correct *
What version are you on? Are you using self-managed or
- I am using Gitlab 11.6.1
- I am using self managed gitlab account
Add the CI configuration from .gitlab-ci.yml
and other configuration if relevant (e.g. docker-compose.yml)
I am on windows kinldy guide me through this thanks
Hi @asadiftikhar539, welcome to the GitLab Community Forum!
If possible, can you share additional details to help troubleshoot the issue?
- where is the GitLab Runner hosted? (eg. same server as GitLab, separate server, your local machine)
- What installation method did you use to install GitLab Runner? (Linux Docker,
- What GitLab Runner executor are you using?
- What command are you using to register the GitLab Runner?
If GitLab Runner is installed on a separate server or machine than what GitLab is on, can you try running ping <your_gitlab_url>
to see if GitLab can be connected to from the system with GitLab Runner installed.