Gitalb Conatiner registery certifiatce renewal issue

Dear Community,

I am having an issue while loggging into the gitlab resgistery. And gitlab has been depolyed with the helm chart 6.8.1 over the openshift. Gitlab resources are running fine and as I have checked into the gitlab scerets gitalb-wildcard-tls-ca the certificate is expirred and this certifate expiry dates match with the gitlab registry loging issue date.

[2024-03-06 18:02:52.662] }[root@devenv01-mng001 ~]# podman login ${REGISTRY_NAME}.apps.${FQDN_CLUSTER} -u ${GITLAB_ADMIN_USER} -p ${GITLAB_ADMIN_TOKEN}
[2024-03-06 18:03:08.390] Error: authenticating creds for “registry1.apps.devenv01.nfvi.localdomain”: pinging container registry registry1.apps.devenv01.nfvi.localdomain: Get “https://registry1.apps.devenv01.nfvi.localdomain/v2/”: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-03-06T09:03:05Z is after 2023-12-21T06:17:00Z

Troubeshoot: I have genrated a certifate with the openssl and edit the gitalb-wildcard-tls-ca secret and replaced with the expired certificate but still the below issue is encountering.

Error: error authenticating creds for “”: error pinging docker registry invalid status code from registry 503 (Service Unavailable)

As mentioned erialer that we have deployed gitlab with the helm over openshift platform and after the deployment few secrets created ${RELEASE_NAME}-wildcard-tls-ca and ${RELEASE_NAME}-registry-secret . Amoung them ${RELEASE_NAME}-wildcard-tls-ca certifate is expired. So, Requrest you to please suggest that how can we renew the gitlab registry certifiate on openshift using the ${RELEASE_NAME}-wildcard-tls-ca secret.