I tried to update my gitlab running on k8s this morning in the last version (15.3.1) using helm, it always worked but this time I’m having on issue with the job “gitlab-shared-secret”
The job say it can pull image :
gitlab-shared-secrets-4-sx9-7wnfl 0/1 ImagePullBackOff
with a describe :
Back-off pulling image “registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/cng/kubectl:1.18.20@sha256:f0bc9adaccd131d993fdabf6aa39fe4ff0e22035c2deca20341074c9e2e40a5b”
But I’m doing the installation with the last chart so … maybe an issue with the repository gitlab ? I didn’t modify the image for this job
Is anyone have seen somethin about ?
Best regards,