GitLab CI/CD script problem with powershell command

GitLab CI/CD script problem with powershell command

I am trying to run a pipeline with the job specified like below:

  stage: test
  tags: ["windows_camv"]
    - 'cd .\Modules\test.eaYamlExporter\eaYamlExportTestAutomation\bin\Release\'
    - 'powershell -File ValidationsYAMLGenerationAutomation.ps1'

Powershell script file is below:

.\EAYamlExporter.exe "EAModel --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,,port:80,user:usr, pwd:pass;Data Source=Model-Architecture;DSN=Model-Architecture" Examples\test.testMod\testExtendedModel\validations\sequence\ GuidList.txt
  • .\EAYamlExporter.exe this exe file is generated from c# class library project, which refers another .dll file.*
  • This command runs without error locally from powershell, but from gitlab ci, it is generating following error:

Any idea what’s wrong in configuration or yaml file?