It seems to only happen with a search term (search= query parameter populated), and not all search terms cause the issue! A search for “jetstream2” returns results, while a search for “orchestration” reliably 500s.
It seems to be just for my account! I can reproduce it 100% of the time, but a colleague cannot reproduce it at all with the exact same search query.
Digging a little deeper,
Changing the search term:
Changing from “orchestration” to “orchestra” still returns a 500.
Changing to “orch” works, returns 6 results.
Adding letters back into the search term, “orches” works but “orchest” returns a 500.
Hypothesis: 6-letter search terms work, but 7-letter terms break?
The answer is “not always”! The search term “guacamole” (9 letters) works, returning 16 results. (It’s the name of a technology in our project.)
Removing author_username=cmart& from the original query string works, returns 9 results.
Removing scope=all&state=merged& from the original query string works, returns 0 results for “open”. The other tabs appear to have results:
“Merged” tab returns a 500
“Closed” tab works
“All” tab returns a 500
Another hypothesis is the existence of a “poison” merge request in this repository (that breaks the back-end when it would appear in search results), but I reject this hypothesis, because a search for “orch” successfully returns what I’d expect are the same 6 search results for “orchestration”.
I give up for now. If there’s a 500 error, maybe there’s a traceback that I cannot see, but surely GitLab staff can.
@cmart, I found your error in our logs based on the Request ID of the screenshot. For future reference, try to include this as a text that we can copy/paste - typing that wasn’t fun
I can confirm that this is not happening to other users, so you might be hitting a corner case somewhere. The error is a DB timeout, and I see that it’s happened 19 times for you and it stopped after 5/Sep.
If this starts to happen again, please create a new bug issue in gitlab-org/gitlab, and include the Request ID. Someone in the team will triage it.