GitLab - Kubernetes Agent - Not connected


I am trying to setup the kubernetes setup using Agent and integrate it with my gitlab project.
On the agent side(agentk - kubernets cluster), all I get in the log is single line stating “Observability endpoint is up” and nothing more.
{“level”:“info”,“time”:“2022-07-07T07:52:02.996Z”,“msg”:“Observability endpoint is up”,“mod_name”:“observability”,“net_network”:“tcp”,“net_address”:“”}

There are no logs that are available in the agentk and on kas side I do not have access to logs/server(we are using on-prem gitlab setup).

On the Gitlab project side, I see the “Never Connected” in the status column for the agent.

I have tried many different options and following all the steps as mentioned in the document.
Any leads or pointers in the direction to debug/resolve the issue is appreciated.

Version of Gitlab : 14.10 and agentK version is 14.10

Thanks in advance.


same here with 15.1

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same here any update ?

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Unfortunately still stuck with the same issue.

it worked when I switch from HTTPS to HTTP communication :worried:

Hello everyone, I am also encountering this issue.
Agent version: 15.4.0. It is showing at “Connected” in the Gitlab UI.
I think I read all documentation and watched all videos 3 times, still no clue.

Happened to me as well on a self-hosted Gitlab instance, but after setting iptables firewall rules. Make sure 443 port is not being blocked for your cluster nodes and local network addresses.

Gitlab version: 15.0.2
Gitlab agent version: 15.4.0

hi, that’s because of you did not complete steps to use self-signed certificate.
you must take these steps:
1- generate your self-signed certificate based on new SANs DNS record in your certificate.
2- config your gitlab to use it.
3- config your kas gitlab agent to use this certificate.
4- config a dns server for using gitlab domain name in kubernetes cluster.
5- config your kubernetes cluster to use this certificate to connect to gitlab.
after these steps you shouldn’t have any problems to use kubernetes agent in your gitlab.

these links are very useful in this subject: