We are striving toward 1000 unique monthly wider community contributors and appreciate every effort from the community towards this goal.
If you have any ideas/feedback/concerns please feel free to discuss them here!
Thank you to all 38 wider community members who AUTHORED merge requests that were merged from 2023-07-24 to 2023-07-31.
There were a total of 64 community contributions!
Top authors (3+ merge requests )
Ben Bodenmiller (@bbodenmiller
), Lucas Zampieri (@lzampier
), Mayank Singh (@bymayanksingh
), Missy Davies (@missy-davies
), Omar Belgamh (@omarybelgamh
Regular authors (2 merge requests!)
Abhijeet Chatterjee (@abhijeet007rocks8
), Anatoli Babenia (@abitrolly
), Freddie Richards (@FreddieRichards
), Joe Snyder (@joe-snyder
), Linjie Zhang (@zhanglinjie
), Niklas (@Taucher2003
), Robin Windey (@rowindey
), Shane Maglangit (@ShaneMaglangit
), Tao Heng (@taoheng
), Zhiyuan Lu (@luzhiyuan.deer
), yodamad (@yodamad
Additional authors (1 merge request)
Abdallah Alsamman (@abdallahalsamman
), Alejandro Medina (@mellab
), Alexander Huck (@alxndr13
), Andrea Scian (@andreascian
), Antonis Stamatiou (@antonis.stamatiou
), Axel Grubba (@axelgrubba
), Brian Johnson (@sherbang
), Dannyel Cardoso da Fonseca (@dannyelcf
), Giulio Chessa (@giuliohome
), Glaucielle Sa (@glauciellesa
), Jeff McGrath (@jmcgrath3
), Joseph Jose (@josephjose
), Kun Qian (@qk44077907
), Mughees Pervaiz (@Mughees_
), Patrick Rice (@PatrickRice
), Richard Eldridge (@richard.eldridge
), Swaraj Deep (@deep-swaraj
), TianLu (@tianlu1677
), Zijun Gao (@fenyuluoshang
), adlternative (@adlternative
), kik (@oelmekki
), wietse de vries (@wv01068
Additionally, thank you to all 53 wider community members who participated/reviewed other merge requests, merged from 2023-07-24 to 2023-07-31.
Top performers (3+ interactions )
Ben Bodenmiller (@bbodenmiller
), Lucas Zampieri (@lzampier
), Marco Zille (@zillemarco
), Mayank Singh (@bymayanksingh
), Missy Davies (@missy-davies
), Niklas (@Taucher2003
), Omar Belgamh (@omarybelgamh
), Patrick Rice (@PatrickRice
), Tao Heng (@taoheng
), TianLu (@tianlu1677
), Zhiyuan Lu (@luzhiyuan.deer
High performers (2 interactions!)
Abhijeet Chatterjee (@abhijeet007rocks8
), Alejandro Medina (@mellab
), Anatoli Babenia (@abitrolly
), Baodong (@icbd
), Freddie Richards (@FreddieRichards
), Joe Snyder (@joe-snyder
), Linjie Zhang (@zhanglinjie
), Mitar (@mitar
), Robin Windey (@rowindey
), Shane Maglangit (@ShaneMaglangit
), Zijun Gao (@fenyuluoshang
), yodamad (@yodamad
Additional contributors (1 interaction)
Abdallah Alsamman (@abdallahalsamman
), Alexander Huck (@alxndr13
), Andrea Scian (@andreascian
), Antonis Stamatiou (@antonis.stamatiou
), Artur Frysiak (@wiget
), Axel Grubba (@axelgrubba
), Brian Johnson (@sherbang
), Cody Creager (@cody.creager.mss
), Connor Shea (@connorshea-sondermind
), DanielP (@dperic
), Dannyel Cardoso da Fonseca (@dannyelcf
), Giulio Chessa (@giuliohome
), Glaucielle Sa (@glauciellesa
), Jarred Martin (@jarredlrmartin1718
), Jeff McGrath (@jmcgrath3
), Joseph Jose (@josephjose
), Kun Qian (@qk44077907
), Leif Singer (@leif
), Lyubomir Grigorov (@Lyubo15
), Mike Spray (@mspray1
), Mughees Pervaiz (@Mughees_
), Richard Eldridge (@richard.eldridge
), Sonia Guillory (@sguillory
), Swaraj Deep (@deep-swaraj
), Wu Jeremy (@JeremyWuuuuu
), Yongbo li (@lyb124553153
), adlternative (@adlternative
), kik (@oelmekki
), lboughner (@lboughner
), wietse de vries (@wv01068