GitLab Release 16.3 Community Thanks

:heart: :tada: Community Contribution Appreciation :tada: :heart:
We are striving toward 1000 unique monthly wider community contributors and appreciate every effort from the community towards this goal. If you have any ideas/feedback/concerns please feel free to discuss them here!

Thank you to all 30 wider community members who AUTHORED merge requests that were merged from 2023-08-21 to 2023-08-28.

There were a total of 43 community contributions!

Top authors (3+ merge requests :rocket:)
Ben Bodenmiller (@bbodenmiller ), Omar Belgamh (@omarybelgamh ), Shane Maglangit (@ShaneMaglangit )

Regular authors (2 merge requests!)
Alexandra Licht (@alexandralicht0 ), Tyrone Meijn (@tmeijn )

Additional authors (1 merge request)
Baodong (@icbd ), Benjamin Jenks (@jenksatwork ), Everton Arakaki (@eveuca ), François Leurent (@131 ), Gerardo Navarro (@gerardo-navarro ), Jos Ahrens (@Zarthus ), Kyle Edwards (@KyleFromKitware ), M Hickford (@hickford ), Mark Gardner (@mjgardner ), Markus Heberling (@tisoft ), Martin Huter (@mgh87 ), Missy Davies (@missy-davies ), Nicky Gerritsen (@nickygerritsen ), Niklas (@Taucher2003 ), Nils Luebker (@nlueb ), Patrick Rice (@PatrickRice ), Paul Puschmann (@ppuschmann ), Philipp Hahn (@pmhahn ), Ron Gebauer (@cgm-rgb ), Swaraj Deep (@deep-swaraj ), Tao Heng (@taoheng ), Thameez Bodhanya (@thameezbo ), Yigit Alparslan (@ya332 ), Yuvraj Chettri (@chettriyuvraj ), Zhiyuan Lu (@luzhiyuan.deer )

Additionally, thank you to all 38 wider community members who participated/reviewed other merge requests, merged from 2023-08-21 to 2023-08-28.

Top performers (3+ interactions :rocket:)
Ben Bodenmiller (@bbodenmiller ), Omar Belgamh (@omarybelgamh ), Patrick Rice (@PatrickRice ), Shane Maglangit (@ShaneMaglangit )

High performers (2 interactions!)
Alexandra Licht (@alexandralicht0 ), Baodong (@icbd ), Tyrone Meijn (@tmeijn )

Additional contributors (1 interaction)
Aaron Peters (@acpkendo ), Alyssa Rock (@barbaricyawps ), Amy Blais (@amy.blais ), Benjamin Jenks (@jenksatwork ), Daniel Stone (@fooishbar ), Daniel Test-Account Stone (@daniels-test ), Everton Arakaki (@eveuca ), François Leurent (@131 ), Fu Zhang (@prajnamas ), Gerardo Navarro (@gerardo-navarro ), Jos Ahrens (@Zarthus ), Kyle Edwards (@KyleFromKitware ), M Hickford (@hickford ), Mark Gardner (@mjgardner ), Markus Heberling (@tisoft ), Martin Huter (@mgh87 ), Mathieu Parent (@sathieu ), Missy Davies (@missy-davies ), Nicky Gerritsen (@nickygerritsen ), Niklas (@Taucher2003 ), Nils Luebker (@nlueb ), Paul Puschmann (@ppuschmann ), Philipp Hahn (@pmhahn ), Ron Gebauer (@cgm-rgb ), Swaraj Deep (@deep-swaraj ), Tao Heng (@taoheng ), Thameez Bodhanya (@thameezbo ), TianLu (@tianlu1677 ), Yigit Alparslan (@ya332 ), Yuvraj Chettri (@chettriyuvraj ), Zhiyuan Lu (@luzhiyuan.deer )

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:heart: :tada: Community Contribution Appreciation :tada: :heart:
We are striving toward 1000 unique monthly wider community contributors and appreciate every effort from the community towards this goal.
If you have any ideas/feedback/concerns please feel free to discuss them here!

Thank you to all 16 wider community members who AUTHORED merge requests that were merged from 2023-08-28 to 2023-09-04.
There were a total of 25 community contributions!

Top authors (3+ merge requests :rocket:)
Alexandra Licht, Ben Bodenmiller, Linjie Zhang

Regular authors (2 merge requests!)
Jos Ahrens

Additional authors (1 merge request)
Anatoli Babenia, Andrew Smith, Elisabeth Kulzer, John Parent, KiranSatyaRaj, Missy Davies, Neil Roza, Niku Singh, Qi Zhao, Taliesin Millhouse, Wesley Schwengle, Xing Xin

Additionally, thank you to all 22 wider community members who participated/reviewed other merge requests, merged from 2023-08-28 to 2023-09-04.

Top performers (3+ interactions :rocket:)
Alexandra Licht, Ben Bodenmiller, Linjie Zhang, Patrick Rice

High performers (2 interactions!)
Jos Ahrens, Niklas

Additional contributors (1 interaction)
Anatoli Babenia, Andrew Smith, Bernhard Landauer, Elisabeth Kulzer, Georgi Baghdasaryan (AWS), John Parent, KiranSatyaRaj, Martin Tan, Missy Davies, Neil Roza, Niku Singh, Qi Zhao, Taliesin Millhouse, Valery Sizov, Wesley Schwengle, Xing Xin

:heart: :tada: Community Contribution Appreciation :tada: :heart:
We are striving toward 1000 unique monthly wider community contributors and appreciate every effort from the community towards this goal.
If you have any ideas/feedback/concerns please feel free to discuss them here!

Thank you to all 23 wider community members who AUTHORED merge requests that were merged from 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-11.
There were a total of 25 community contributions!

Top authors (3+ merge requests :rocket:)

Regular authors (2 merge requests!)

Additional authors (1 merge request)
Ben Bodenmiller, Benedikt Franke, Benjamin Schmid, Florent A., Jon M, Jos Ahrens, Kevin Niedermayr, Linjie Zhang, Matthias Fechner, Mayank Singh, Muhammed Ali, PartMan, Pavlo Strokov, Peter Demin, Rachel Johnson, Shane Maglangit, Tamsil Sajid Amani, Tao Heng, Valery Sizov, Xing Xin, mvitale1989, sameagen-MW

Additionally, thank you to all 36 wider community members who participated/reviewed other merge requests, merged from 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-11.

Top performers (3+ interactions :rocket:)
Martin Tan, Patrick Rice, kik

High performers (2 interactions!)
Valery Sizov

Additional contributors (1 interaction)
Anatoli Babenia, Ben Bodenmiller, Benedikt Franke, Benjamin Schmid, Christine Lemmer-Webber, Engener Arafat, Florent A., Jon M, Jos Ahrens, Kevin Niedermayr, Linjie Zhang, Linus, Marco Zille, Marius Wallraff, Matthias Fechner, Mayank Singh, Muhammed Ali, PartMan, Pavlo Strokov, Pavlo Strokov, Per Lundberg, Peter Demin, Rachel Johnson, Rostyslav Safonov, Scott Stern, Shane Maglangit, Tamsil Sajid Amani, Tao Heng, TianLu, Xing Xin, mvitale1989, sameagen-MW

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