Gitlab Runner status=couldn't execute PUT against /ci/api/v1/builds/-1

Following issue we are facing:

  • What are you seeing, and how does that differ from what you expect to see?

  • Please see the below screen short for more information
    sudo gitlab-runner verify this command will give the following issue

  • What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? Can you link to any docs or other resources so we know where you have been?

We are integrating new Static IP with the old IP. After changing it, we run GitLab on the 8100 port.
Push and pull the code on the repository level is working fine. But due to some reason we are not able to push the code on production build. While checking the issue below issue was found on the server.

We have self-managed ubuntu server and setup the custom gitlab on it.

We had taken following steps to resolve the issue.

1. `sudo gitlab-ctl stop`
2. `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure`
3. `sudo gitlab-ctl start`
4. `sudo gitlab-runner verify`

Thanks for taking the time to be thorough in your request, it really helps! :blush:

Following steps follow to resolve the issue:

Prometheus Issue
Issue is regarding the prometheus and need to check if it gets corrupted.
Always check with following command

sudo gitlab-ctl tail prometheus

If leveldb is corrupted and getting following error:

level=error msg="Error opening memory series storage: leveldb: manifest corrupted (field 'comparer'): missing [file=MANIFEST-000669]" source="main.go:182"

Then move data files in path /var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/data/

sudo mv /var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/data/ /root/backup/

Prometheus will generate the files in the data folder and start the server.

If you are stuck with any issue just check with sudo gitlab-ctl tail

Check /etc/hosts file

Open a hosts file on server

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Check whether you add the hostname into it with the server ip address gitlab.***.com

Replace with new ip if machine LAN ip change.