Gitlab upgrade from v16.7.10 to v16.11.10 fails

Problem to solve

upgrading gitlab from v16.7.10 to v16.11.10 as advised here Upgrade Path

Steps to reproduce

apt-get install gitlab-ee=16.11.10-ee.0

I see gitlabctl try to upgrade the database but it’s saying that it times out, why is that ? this is preventing us from upgrading gitlab to the latest version currently.


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  • Self-managed


Did you stop gitlab before running the apt update? If so then that would be the problem. Gitlab doesn’t need to be stopped and should be left running. It will stop the services itself during the upgrade process.

Your screenshot seems to hint at the fact they were stopped first, else they would have been running (up).

The procedure i followed so far for the upgrades has been:

  1. put the gitlab in maintenance mode
  2. make a VM snapshot
  3. run apt install gitlab-ee=[targetedversion]
  4. once gitlab is back up, put it out of maintenance mode

So, i didn’t actually stop gitlab entirely, i just put it in maintenance mode. Is this a problem during the upgrade ? i didn’t think it would cause issues. as it didn’t so far (i’ve been upgrading gitlab this exact way ever since gitlab version 15)

What do you suggest i do differently ?

Strange, as it looks like some of the gitlab services were stopped before the upgrade. If you didn’t then the process you are using is OK. Seems weird though.

From the last screenshot for postgresql it says check the logs, please go through the postgresql logs and perhaps other ones and search for errors/problems.

Hello, some news:
so i didn’t try to upgrade gitlab like yesterday, instead i just upgraded the postgresql database from version 13.13 (as seen in the screenshot above) to version 14.10, which ran without any issues:


i’ll try to upgrade gitlab to the next version via apt next time, hopefully it won’t fail at the postgresql part again

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Hello just to confirm, i did the upgrade now and it worked fine. now on v16.11.10.

so yes what was missing is the postgresql upgrade step, that wasn’t automatic.

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