Gitlab Upgrade issues

I am trying to upgrade my self managed gitlab server. I followed following path to upgrade my gitlab server.
13.2.10(Current Version)->13.5.4-ce.0 → 13.5.5-ce.0 → 13.5.7-ce.0 → 13.6.0-ce.0 → 13.8.8-ce.0->13.12.15-ce.0->14.0.0-ce.0->14.0.5-ce.0->14.0.12-ce.0->14.6.2-ce.0->14.7.4-ce.0->14.7.7-ce.0->14.9.2-ce.0
But while doing this upgrade faced lots of issues and missed some application repos as well.
Is this path correct?
If the path is correct then what I should do when i get this error (PG::DuplicateTable: ERROR: relation “issue_assignees_pkey” already exists gitlab upgrade) while upgrading. To resolve this issue I removed this pkey only and got some data loss. Please suggest

Hi @Kailash

Here you can see supported Upgrade paths.

So from 13.2.10 if I read it right it should be:

Even if package upgrade is completed there are background jobs, especially DB jobs, that run afterwards.

I personally always do one step a day to let it finish any jobs and to run maintenance jobs over night. It is strongly recommended especially after first upgrade to 14.x. But you can also check status of background jobs in UI Admin → Monitoring. More about background jobs here Batched background migrations | GitLab

Don’t forget to properly update gitlab.rb config if required after each upgrade step. And check specific upgrade steps instructions.