We want to upgrade from gitlab ce verison 17.2.2 to 17.2.5,
but in the official doc of gitlab:
the version 17.2.3 is seen to exist but in the upgradable list ,it was not seen.
could any one suggest what need to be done
as we used to upgrade to each of the minor versions
You don’t need to do upgrades to each minor version. In fact from the Gitlab upgrade tool: Upgrade Path you can go direct from 17.2.2 to 17.3.2. Your screenshot above also shows it’s directly upgradeable to that version.
You will also see in the gitlab upgrade tool, that 17.2.3 also doesn’t exist. So nothing to worry about. If you prefer doing all the minor upgrades, miss 17.2.3 since it doesn’t exist and upgrade to 17.2.4.