I’m trying to install gitlab-ce on vanilla oracle enterprise linux 6.5 system. The curl/install script seemed to run fine; but ‘yum repolist’ is showing 0 available files. I saw a similar link in the forums (Install not working in Oracle LINUX v6) from May which suggests that I download the package directly. I was hoping to find out if anyone’s solved this issue since then.
Some lines from the curl script:
Detected oracleserver version 6…
Downloading repository file: https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ce/config_file.repo?os=oracleserver&dist=6&name=[[snip]]&source=script
Package pygpgme-0.1-18.20090824bzr68.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Package yum-utils-1.1.30-30.0.1.el6.noarch already installed and latest version
yum repolist | grep -i git
gitlab_gitlab-ce gitlab_gitlab-ce 0
gitlab_gitlab-ce-source gitlab_gitlab-ce-source 0
Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.
Doug O’Leary