Help, updating to 15.11 broke my UI

Hello people,
I have a problem regarding my self hosted installation. I upgraded from 15.10.x to 15.11.0, 15.11.1 and 15.11.2 through the ubuntu packages.
When using 15.10 the gui worked as alwasy, but on the change to 15.11 it broke. I can no longer see the breadcrumbs, the left sidebar is aligned to the bottom of the page and the right sidebar is not displayed (although tampering with the css/html releals it is somewere)
I am including a screenshot.

Could someone help me to find what broke or if I did something wrong.



I know some upgrades ask for a restart of redis during the output on the screen. Just in case this was missed, please run the following steps that are mentioned also in the output if Gitlab is misbehaving after an upgrade:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
systemctl restart gitlab-runsvdir

please reply and let us know if this fixed it.

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Hey @iwalker,
I tried your suggestion and it didn’t change the ui. IIRC, I even rebooted the whole system when I first experienced this issue. Any other ideas?
Also, I have an upgrade ASAP notification that I will be trying to apply asap, so, fingers crossed!


Hi @Urien ,

Let us know how it goes following the upgrade! :crossed_fingers:

Are you seeing any issues in the UI aside from the sidebars on the CI job view?

If the problem persists, I suggest checking the browser developer tools console for any errors.

If you don’t see any errors in the browser console, check the production and NGINX logs for any errors or stracktraces:

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Hello @gitlab-greg,

Will do, meanwhile I have the browser console messages:

Hello @gitlab-greg,
Will do, meanwhile I have the browser console messages:

InstallTrigger is deprecated and will be removed in the future. constants.js:50:14
Cookie “sidebar_collapsed” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value. Soon, cookies without the “SameSite” attribute or with an invalid value will be treated as “Lax”. This means that the cookie will no longer be sent in third-party contexts. If your application depends on this cookie being available in such contexts, please add the “SameSite=None“ attribute to it. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https_// js.cookie.js:86:30
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downloadable font: font-display timeout, webfont not used (font-family: “JetBrains Mono” style:normal weight:400 stretch:100 src index:0) source: https_//gitlab_example_dot_com/assets/jetbrains-mono/JetBrainsMono-a9cb1cd82332b23a47e3a1239d25d13c86d16c4220695e34b243effa999f45f2.woff2
downloadable font: font-display timeout, webfont not used (font-family: “GitLab Sans” style:normal weight:100…900 stretch:100 src index:0) source: https_//gitlab_example_dot_com/assets/gitlab-sans/GitLabSans-d7fd6710b89a849e5226ae731af634e673f093b8086b067f052b40df8ceb8285.woff2
The resource at “https_//gitlab_example_dot_com/assets/application_utilities-40332a5b8b231ef4aa3e61942c84552407facf300fe4081ae0d70a5517018bd4.css” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. gitlab_example_dot_com
The resource at “https_//gitlab_example_dot_com/assets/application-ba1723ee38768ca6dcce3e345b1f4cef7372520f2adbb0b5be32a0e6a2b6d5df.css” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. gitlab_example_dot_com
The resource at “https_//gitlab_example_dot_com/assets/highlight/themes/white-e4a0a599c798742d5817c43bbc1ddf7745ac1b7f9c4fadf6e24a6b9bc49ffec4.css” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly. gitlab_example_dot_com

Hello people,
Bad news, I upgraded to 15.11.4 and see no change.
I will provide the logs after I have some time to fish them out.
Meanwhile, I have to confess that I have an unusual configuration where I have the db server on another node, and apache as proxy for the nginx so maybe that is a source of errors.


Which browser is involved here, including the version? Might be worth a try for alternative browsers to see if the problem persists.

Also, the developer console might unveil client side errors, i.e. some CSS/JS includes not loading or missing.

Hey @dnsmichi,
I’ve tried with Firefox 113 (with and without protections), Brave, and chrome (linux and windows), using incognito, and standard… always similar results.
I do not see any errors or failed resources on the developer tools, just a few warnings that I’ve copied on an earlier message.

Edit: I see, on firefox, a message stating: stylesheet could not be loaded, but I don’t see errors regarding CSS.

I found on SO that it may have something to do with mod_deflate and mod_fastcgi

Ok, I think I found it.

mod_pagespeed was enabled. I disabled it and the ui started working properly.

I think this was the issue, and as I don’t really know whjy pagespeed was enabled, I will keep it disabled and be satisfied with the outcome.

Best regards.

still have the isse :,(

The module names sound like as if Apache is involved here, and not only Nginx. If so, can you please show the Apache configuration too, next to the Nginx config parts of the GitLab server instance?

At the time of opening the UI in the browser, the logs would be interesting too.

quick update. It was working, just cached. cleanup and everything is ok!!

@dnsmichi It is running behind an apache2, so your assertions are correct. Fortunately, disabling mod_pagespeed solved the issue, unfortunately, I can’t get rid of the apache2.


Running an HTTP proxy like Apache is fine :slight_smile: Please mention it when debugging future issues, it might be a point to look at in the beginning.

I haven’t used mod_pagespeed but it seems that it tries to optimize the page CSS/JS in ways to load faster, more compressed, etc. There were changes to the navigation UI introduced in 15.11, opt-in in 16.0 and will be default in 16.1. I cannot say whether this is a bug in GitLab misbehaving behind mod_pagespeed HTTP proxies - might not hurt to create a new bug report to let our engineers know.

Thanks for the tips!

I’ll try to be more thorough in future reports :slight_smile:


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