Help Wanted - GitLab Classroom

Help Wanted :sparkles:

Dear developers, it is so great that this project is open source and encourages us to clone it or run our own version of it, for that I can’t thank you guys enough. I guess that is the spirit, that is why we do open source the way we do, and the community just grows bigger.

I’m sure this clone at gitlab isn’t going to be big, an I just want really if we could manage to run “the current state of art” with their API.

I’ve cloned and set up the domain page already, but that is about it.

The classroom for gitlab will rest at:

Oh, I also edited the 404 html page. Now that is the extent of all I did so far. The work will be huge, but if you have some spare time, please help us to at least be able to run it as it is now.

Things that is deeply linked with github API we can (at least temporarily) disable, and so on.

Can we put it up and running? Please invite yourself to join. If you are a great developer here (many commits), I can surely give you the permissions you need to work directly on the project as a team.

Thanks a lot.


PS. Link for the repository (currently) at:

Issue number 1: help wanted, port classroom

Issue asking help at github original upstream:

PPS. If you know the user that currently holds the inactive group “education” there at gitlab, please contact me. Maybe he is kind to surrender it to us, so the path would be education/classroom like here. Thanks.

PPPS. If you are admin or from the team and you are reading this, please help to get us Thanks. :wink:

PPPPS. Issue at GitLab Community Edition:

Hello! my final degree project was similar, an alternative for Github Education Classroom, CodeLab. It is written JS.

Note that, it is like a draft.

I would like to collaborate in this project.

Dear Losnen,

Our project will start by “translating” and making it work from where github classroom is.

We are not changing to a new language or something completely new, although we may think about it in the future, after things get running.

If you feel like this is for you, you are more than welcome! Please come in!

Dr. Beco