How to configure the ip address of gitlab-runner in kubernetes

I have GitLab running alongside a kubernetes cluster, all in virtual machines, and I installed gitlab-runner (with helm) onto the kubernetes cluster.

GitLab: 12.9.2 (ac5568eb5d8)

|gitlab/gitlab-runner|0.15.0 |12.9.0 |GitLab Runner|

The gitlab-runner pod is running fine.
pod/gitlab-runner-gitlab-runner-5d5fdf5f7b-bll2q 1/1 Running 0 36m

However, the pod registers itself with the GitLab instance with the IP address of the Dom0 server

How can I convince the pod to register it self using the DomU IP address, or how can I modify the runner registration within GitLab?

The main idea is to register the runner using Gitlab server hostname that resolves to Gitlab DomU IP.
Thus configure your runner so that it resolves Gitlab host name to Gitlab DomU IP.
This can be done using a static name resolution in runner pods /etc/hosts.

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Thank you @askya! And welcome to our community forum! :blush:

@EverardB, let us know if you are closer to what you need!