Problem to solve
I’ve got a Gitlab Runner Operator in my Openshift Environment up and running. Apparently its not a shared runner, since it loses its activation on one project if used on another.
A shared or a group runner is needed.
When I installed the existing Runner, I used the legacy method by retrieving a registration token in the Gitlab UI.
Following the hint in the Web-UI “Next GitLab Runner Token Architecture” the new registration flow look like:
User create a runner in Gitlab UI and adds the runner configuration
Gitlab creates ci_runners record and returns new “glrt-” prefixed auth token
I can’t create a runner in the Gitlab Web-UI in order to retrive the auth token, which I would need to provide the Gitlab Runner instance as a secret, because only Linux, Mac and Windows is supported to install. The “Kubernetes” Link leads to a method using Helm Charts. Since I use an Operator I’d follow the “Operator” manual (Install GitLab Runner Operator | GitLab) …which in turn needs the project runner token.
Thanks for any hint!
Please select whether options apply, and add the version information.
- Self-managed
- SaaS
- Self-hosted Runners
- GitLab: 16.6.6 Community Edition
- GitLab Runner: 16.4.1; Operator v1.18.1