HTTPS for gitlab-ce Ubuntu 14

I have an Omnibus gitlab installer. I am trying to setup an HTTPS url with self signed cert. The steps im following are:

Modify gitlab.rb

external_url ‘
nginx[‘redirect_http_to_https’] = true

Create Self signed cert with proper name and place it under /etc/gitlab/ssl with permission 600

-rw------- 1 root root 1289 Sep 5 08:38
-rw------- 1 root root 1679 Sep 5 08:38

Then I did gitlab-reconfigure and restart.

So when i try the new URL: the page doesn’t load.

The port 443 is open by default and i am able to netcap the same from my laptop.

I am following this blog for setup -

I dont see any errors under /var/log/gitlab

Is there any additional nginx config required for self signed cert?

Can you please let me know what logs I should be looking for and am i missing any steps.?

Hi @manasjit.mohanty,

I am having the same exact problem. Were you able to figure it out? Seems like the Nginx configuration needs to have a allow self signed cert option but I can’t figure it out.