Hello GitLab Community,
I’ve recently had GitLab CE approved for use at my work. I’m quite new with Ubuntu so apologises if this is a massively novice question.
I’ve had a look here, I’ve managed to get the .PEM onto the server and into /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs and also updated the gitlab.rb file to make the EXTERNAL URL https:// instead of http://.
After doing the gitlab-ctl reconfigure, it doesn’t appear to be picking up the cert? It’s a wildcard certificate for the internal domain (*.domain.com), but when going to the website for gitlab on https it throws up a certificate error, when looking at the certificate it seems to be a self-assigned cert rather than the godaddy wildcard for our domain.
Any help is massively appreciated, one of the conditions of using this is I can get https working - however I’m not allowed to use LetsEncrypt as the server isn’t able to speak to the internet.