Introduction : @jeanphi.baconnais

:man_technologist: Jean-Philippe Baconnais (Jean-Phi / JP), He/Him, @jeanphi.baconnais

:earth_americas: France :fr: Near Nantes

:sparkles: I’m working in Pôle emploi and i am technical leader of 2 development teams

:computer: I use GitLab every day at work and for my personals projects

:partying_face: I spend my free time doing sport, traveling, seing my friends and my family and take care about my house :house:

:books: I listen several podcast and i read information on the web, but no book currently.

:question: No question (for the moment :partying_face:)


Thanks, @JeanPhi.Baconnais

@Linds Can you add @JeanPhi.Baconnais to the GitLab Heroes group?

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Done! @johncoghlan @JeanPhi.Baconnais! :man_superhero: :superhero: :man_supervillain:

I love seeing Heroes on here – thanks for the introduction @JeanPhi.Baconnais!

What’s your favorite kind of sports to do?

Hi @nuritzi, I played table tennis during more 20 years, and now i swim and run :slight_smile:

@JeanPhi.Baconnais wow – 20 years of table tennis! Sounds like you’re a pro :slight_smile:

I enjoy playing table tennis recreationally (I only do it like once or twice a year). There’s this really cool place in San Francisco that is kind of like a table tennis bar – it’s super fun! The place is called Spin. If you’re ever in San Francisco, in non-COVID times, I recommend it!

Ha ha no comment :slight_smile:

Nice, this place looks like so fun ! San Franciscco isn’t in my next destination but if i decide to visit it, it’s sure that i will go in this place :slight_smile: