Is it possible to compile gitlab-runner for armv6l today (Jan 2025)

How to build gitlab-runner for linux/armv6l

I am trying to compile gitlab runner on a Raspberry Pi Zero W using the latest version of go and gitlab runner. When running make runner-bin-host or runner-bin-linux the following error is displayed.

ubuntu@rpi:~/gitlab-runner $ make runner-bin-host
make out/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-armv6l
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ubuntu/gitlab-runner'
GOOS="linux" GOARCH="armv6l" go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X -X -X -X -w" -o out/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-armv6l
go: unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair linux/armv6l
make[1]: *** [ out/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-armv6l] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/gitlab-runner'
make: *** [ runner-bin-host] Error 2

Steps to reproduce

  • Install Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) on your Pi Zero W
  • Install latest version of go: go1.23.4 linux/arm
  • Clone version 17.7.0 of the gitlab-runner
  • make deps
  • make gitlab-bin-host or make gitlab-bin-linux

Is it possible to build gitlab-runner on armv6l today?

Any guidance will be appreciated. I would like to be able to use gilab-runner on the Pi Zero W as I have a bunch of them and you can still buy them new. The obsolescence stetement on raspberrypi…com also says the Zero W will reamin in production until at least 2030.

Thank you and best regards,