Is it possible to get commit details for a specific author with specific period


I’m using Latest version of GitLab 7.11.3. Need to get the commit details with a time period for an specific user in a GitLab repository. I googled and found the API which is but in our api until and since is not available to fetch the commit details for an user.

Please guide me to get those details using the API . Your suggestion is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Kale Sastha

lol, that’s github’s documentation :smile:


The above API doesn’t has until and since option to provide an date. I need to get the commit details within date period. For example ( author = “sastha”&until=“2015-05-10T12:00:00+05:00”), Is it possible …? Please guide me.

Your suggestion is highly appreciated.

Kale Sastha