Issues setting up gitlab locally, accessible only over a network

Problem to solve

Hi, I wanted to setup a local instance of GitLab to manage some repositories I had. But ran into a few issues along the way

1. Mails sent from my local install were not being received on gmail but were received on

2. HTTPS git clone not working with self signed certificates

So I wanted to know what would be the best way to setup a local gitlab instance that can only accessed in a particular network?, I know that HTTPS wont work with an IP Address as the URL so any idea about how I setup an internal DNS?

To solve the problem with git clone:

git config --global http.sslVerify false

as for your email issues, look at configuring email in the Gitlab docs. SMTP settings | GitLab

The above git command will disable SSL certificate verification for all clones, the better way (and more safer than disabling for all git commands) would be:

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone

replacing with the name of your Gitlab server, and the appropriate group/repo.