Gitlab in local network

I’m testing Gitlab CE in my office before purchase GitLab EE Premium self-hosted. I’m little be newbie, I would ask you to be kind with me :smiley:
I will install GitLab on a local machine in a local network inacessible from outside (or, maybe, only with VPN). For testing purpose, for now, I installed CE version on a VM and it works in HTTP.
I have some questions to manage SSL: because Chrome and GitExtension warn me that connection isn’t over HTTPS, how can I add a certification? I follow this guide to enable Let’s Encrypt but the reconfiguration failed because it doesn’t accept direct IP. I had register a subdomain to point to a local IP but it’s still not worked.
If I disable https, Chrome still warn me… So I would like to resolve this behavior.
Can you link me some articles or help me to configure GitLab?

Thank you in advance for your support, I’m looking forward for you reply!


I would recommend you to define a CNAME for the VM. IPs are not really the right way for SSH connection handling?

When you have the CNAME create your own CA + certificate or use a certificate issued by your organisation. Then follow the steps under " Install custom certificate authorities" in the link you mentioned.

The important thing regarding the browser configuration is that the CA which issued the certificate for the CNAME is in the keychain of the browser - trusted CA’s. If this is not the case the browser will continue to worry…

Good luck!

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