Since the last 3 or 4 feature versions released (currently on the latest version as of today)
I have problems with access token.
So I have enabled 2FA on my managed instance this does require access token to use to be able to pull push to the git server. However I always get authentication failed why I try to push to the remote.
My steps:
I create an access token in the project itself.
I set maintainer as role, I delete the expiration date 'which should default to 1 year).
I set permissions to ‘write repository’ which should give pull and push also described in the description.
Then I use this command to set it:
git remote set-url origin http://username:token@domain/username/repository
If i check the local .git folder in config file I get this.
When i pull from the main repository I get no errors and it seems successfull, however when i try to push a commit I get this error.
Normally, I always used this command and it worked always up until like a few feature versions back. I have no clue if this is because i’m missing a permission or something else.
I tried to troubleshoot some.
Event if I create a token with api permission which should be able for the project I get the same error.
After some chatgpt troubleshooting I tried this:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" `
-Headers @{Authorization=("Basic " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("tim:glpat-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")))}
This gave me a 200 OK back which should indicate that the token is actually working
I also checked windows credentials manager for entries but no luck which is also good.
I’m still thinking about git in visual studio but i find it weird that i get an 401 authentication failed tough.