Location of .gitlab folder

I’m using GitLab.com (repository hosted on GitLab.com)

I’m hoping to implement a description template when creating a new issue.

Reading through the docs, they say that templates are kept in the following location: .gitlab/issue_templates, however I don’t see a .gitlab folder for my repo when I navigate to the root. Here is a screenshot of the files/folders located in my root directory:

It seems like you need to be running GitLab on a private server that you have admin access to in order to implement templates (i.e. doesn’t work with repos hosted on GitLab.com).

Is that correct?

If not, where is the .gitlab folder I’m looking for?

Nobody knows the answer to this?

Hey Tom,

You need to create the .gitlab/issue_templates/ directory structure in your project manually. Once you’ve done so you can place your .md template files inside and you’ll then be able to use them.


Okay thanks!

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