Mattermost: Config setting to enable custom emoji by default


I have enabled custom emoji in the Mattermost web interface. Now, after each sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure the custom emojis are not available in Mattermost, anymore. I think that I will have to configute this in gitlab.rb.

I have already looked in gitlab.rb.template but there was no such option.

My question: Is there an option to turn on custom emoji in gitlab.rb and (if yes): how is it called?



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I’d like to know this as well. Mattermost doesn’t seem to save settings configured in System Console very well; when I have to run gitlab-ctl reconfigure, it resets those settings. Annoying as hell.

I found this trying to solve this annoying problem too! Does anyone have a solution?


It looks like the name of the setting is here, but changing it to true didn’t stop it from getting disabled after a reconfigure…

gitlab.rb:mattermost[‘service_enable_custom_emojis’] = true

these is more discussion here, so i’ll move further discussion there.

Sorry, i had a typo. The setting works if you spell it right.
in gitlab.rb,
mattermost['service_enable_custom_emoji'] = true

I tried using the MM_* variable version and the configuration doesn’t seem to stick:


Is anyone else using these settings?