Merge Requests no showing change notifications

Merge Request line comments are supposed to show a notification if the lines are changed after the comment was made. This isn’t working for me, but it is working for everyone else on my GitLab server (as far as I know). Any idea why this might be happening?

In case it’s not clear, I’m not talking about email notifications. I mean in the web-browser.

GitLab version 14.1.3-ee … this issue has been happing for a long time though

Maybe it’s my stripy top hat but I can’t figure this out. Can it really be I’m the only one this happens to?

I think using “notifications” was a bad choice of words. This has nothing to do with the notifications feature in GitLab. This is about the comment threads in merge requests.

For example. Say there’s a file foo.cpp being reviewed. I, or another reviewer, make a comment on line 5 of foo.cpp because that line has a typo. Another user, “Jane Doe”, fixes the typo on line 5 and pushes the change. Everyone except me sees a new line in the comment thread, something like…

. Jane Doe @janedoe changed this line in version 2 of this diff 1 hour ago

I have no idea why I don’t see it. It makes it difficult to know when to review fixes.

It’s extra weird, I think, because I am an administrator on this GitLab instance.

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This happens when you go to sort or filter button in the general merge request view, and select “Show Comments Only”. If this is selected, the update regarding the line change in the comment thread is not showing.

I believe this is not intuitive. If you select “Show comments only”, you would suspect that within the comment thread, you still see the update (or link) to the changes that were applied.

Thanks @atolner ! that was it.