Migrating from 7.8.0 to last CE

Hi everyone,

I need you help because I’m lost in my old Gitlab installation. Actually Im running Gitlab 7.8.0 and I would like to migrate to last CE version.
On the filesystem, I have actually those folder:


and using MySQL as database. I try to follow the update documentation. Seems i have installed the new Gitlab version but when I try to use gitlab-ctl reconfigure, the script can’t detect my old installation and stock with this message:

STDERR: usermod: user git is currently used by process 20593

process 20593 is

git 20593 32567 0 23:26 ? 00:00:02 unicorn_rails worker[1] -D -c /home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb -E production

I dont know what to do and gitlab:create:backup is not working properly neither.

Any idea on how to migrate without loosing data?



So I fix some issue and now when i try to use gitlab-ctl reconfigure I get this error message:

Bundler::GemNotFound: Your bundle is locked to rake (10.5.0)

but when i try to do a rake -V I have a 12.0 version.
any idea ?