Nodejs Heroku CICD Gitlab Error

Hi is anyone facing this error?

No stash entries found.

[151]An attempt to run a request with a Faraday::Connection without adapter has been made. (RuntimeError)

[152]Please set Faraday.default_adapter or provide one when initializing the connection.

For more info, check Usage | Faraday.
/usr/local/bundle/bin/dpl:25:in `’

seems like faraday upgraded to v 2 causing the build to fail.

Any way to resolve this?


Yes, facing the same issue.

Copied from: RuntimeError: An attempt to run a request with a Faraday::Connection without adapter has been made · Issue #1247 · travis-ci/dpl · GitHub

Here is a quick and dirty workaround.

Add gem install faraday -v 1.8.0 before running dpl --provider=heroku --app=$APP --api-key=$HEROKU_API_KEY .

It ain’t pretty, but DEV’s got to deploy.

Thank you! you’re a life saver!