Not able to push local branch to the remote origin

I have a developer access right provided for gitlab. I am not able to perform any kind of “push” operation to remote origin. Whether creating new local branch and trying pushing it or making changes to existing local branch and pushing it. Any suggestions or insights ?

Below is the error message I get, immediately I do push:

remote: git: /softwares/gitlab-5.2.1-0/common/lib/ no version information available (required by git)

remote: /softwares/gitlab-7.3.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.7.0/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:222: warning: Insecure world writable dir /opt in PATH, mode 040777
remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to access some of the refs!
Pushing to
! [remote rejected] some_branch -> some_branch(pre-receive hook declined)

error: failed to push some refs to ‘

Completed with errors, see above.