Omnibus package and PostgreSQL installation


I have installed GitLab-CE 14.1.5 using Omnibus Package.
Installation was completed normally and I can access GitLab server from WebBrowser.
I tried to check PostgreSQL version using ”psql --version" command and got the message below.

bash: psql: command not found…
Install package ‘postgresql’ to provide command ‘psql’? [N/y]

Do I need to install PostgreSQL in addition to Omnibus package installation?
If I missed something in Omnibus installation, Let me know what was wrong.



I’ve found I should use “gitlab-psql” instead of “psql” command.
Does this mean PostgreSQL in Omnibus package can be used from GitLab only?

Any comments are appreciated.


You can use external postgres as well. The Gitlab documentation explains how to do this.

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Thank you always.
I’ll check the Gitlab documentation.


Was on my mobile before, here is the link to help with the external postgres stuff: Configure GitLab using an external PostgreSQL service | GitLab

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Thank you very much.

You gave me what I need !
