Pre-receive hook declined and Getting 503 errors when trying to access some of my repositories


I tried to push to my repository, but I got the following error:

 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
 error: failed to push some refs to ...

I googled the problem and tried all the proposed solutions, but none of them worked for me.

Also, I tried to access the repository through GitLab Web interface, but it keeps giving me error 503.
My other repos work fine and I can access them.

Can you help me with this error?
Thank you in advance.

The repository works now

Hey @kittani1981 and anyone else that finds this thread. This was more than likely caused by an issue on our end. Your repository was likely located on a specific Gitaly node (file-34) that we experienced a problem with. You’ll find more information in the links below.

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